OKSHORNETgoldFibre duvet 200x220 KRONBORG OKSHORNET warm DBL
Duvet size:
Fibre duvet double 200x220 cm with unique down-like filling of siliconised fibre down, 1800 g. The soft, light fibre down retains its volume and insulating power. Soft 100% cotton cambric casing, which is treated with the biocide GREENFIRST®. Wash 60°C. Incl. storage bag.
This product is treated with the biocide GREENFIRST®, which contains the active substance Geraniol. The treatment with Geraniol has anti-dust mite properties. Geraniol is classified as skin-sensitising, and direct skin contact should be avoided. Always cover with bed linen such as duvet cover sets, sheets and pillowcases.
Type | Warm |
Filling type | Fibre duvet |
Size | Width: 200 cm, Length: 220 cm |
Duvet_size_type | Double duvet |
Filling weight | 1800 g |
Filling | 100% polyester, siliconised fibre down |
Total weight | 2770 g |
TOG (UK) | 10.5 |
Fabric composition | Cotton cambric is weaved with a thin thread - providing a tightly woven, lighter and more supple casing. The tightly woven cotton cambric prevents the filling from working its way through the seams, making it a very hard-wearing ticking. |
Construction | Pattern-quilted |
Colour | White |
Wash | 60°C mild |
Bleaching | Do not bleach |
Tumble-dry | * Tumble drying possible, lower temperature (max. 60ºC) |
Ironing | Do not iron |
Dry cleaning and wet cleaning | Do not dry clean |
Aftercare | Must be washed and dried in a machine which can take a load of min. 7 kg. Should be shaken and aired regularly, do not beat or vacuum |
Edge | Colour: Light green, Material: 100% cotton, Form: Piped edge |
Environmental and health certification | The STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® label identifies textile products that do not contain any harmful levels of problematic chemistry. |
Features | GREENFIRST® casing |
Packing | Storage bag |
Quality rating | GOLD |
Insulating power | Warm |
Guarantee | 10 year guarantee |
Manufacturer | JYSK A/S Sødalsparken 18, DK-8220 Brabrand JYSK.com |
Excellent Duvet
Well made, non feather duvet. Stitched so the stuffing should remain in place when washed and used.
Name: Glyn Parsons
Dyna er varm og god
Name: Lise
Πολύ ζεστό
Πολύ ελαφρύ και ζεστό. 4 αστέρια, γιατί ο θόρυβος μου θυμίζει πουπουλένιο, που πάντα απέφευγα λόγω ήχου και ζώου. Πρω΄τη εμπειρία με τέτοια γέμιση, ίσως έτσι είναι ο θόρυβος και δεν το γνώριζα. Το συνηστώ όμως, γιατί πλένεται και είναι ζεστό.
Name: Evi
Trazila sam jorgan sa pernatim punjenjem, ali mi oni sa prirodnim punjenjem nisu odgovarali iz 2 razloga: 1. prirodno punjenje neposredno nakon pranja meni uzasno smrdi (doduse, imam jako osjetljivo culo mirisa) - toliko, da ne mogu spavati na takvom jastuku ili se pokriti takvim jorganom; 2. s obzirom koliko smrdi nikako mi ne vrijedi novca koji se inace trazi za jorgan/jastuk sa guscim i sl. paperijem. U ovom jorganu sam dobila sve dobila upravo to tj da ne smrdi dok istovremeno pod rukom daje osjecaj kao da jeste punjen pravim guscim paperjem, zbog gustog tkanja malo susti kao sto to pamtim iz djetinjstva, protkan je prirodnim vlaknom - pamukom, pa je osjecaj jako dobar, jorgan je prozracan i uvijek je taman dovoljno topao da ga cjelogodisnje koristim. Odavno nisam naisla na bolji jorgan za ove novce, a zadnjih godina sam ih se bas namijenjala. Trenutno ga koristim vec trecu godinu zaredom. Prala sam ga u masini u vise navrata, ali susila iskljucivo na suncu - cisto iz predostrznosti, jer mi je ranije jorgane susilica za moj pojam upropastila. Ovaj jorgan (da li zbog tog nacina susenje ili cega vec, ne mogu tacno reci) nije izgubio punjenje, niti sam imala bijelih ili drugih tragova po kuci nakon mijenjanja navlaka ili pranja jorgana. Pokazao mi se toliko dobrim da sam cijeloj porodici uzela ovaj jorgan i od navake ovog jorgana striktno trazim produkte sa oznakom Gold-kvalitete. Cinjenica i da sam izdvojila napisati ovoliko o njemu mislim da dovoljno govori.
Name: Amela
Peiton täytteet tursusi
Ostin kesäkuussa 2024, ekalla lakananvaihtokerralla koko makuuhuone pöllysi peitosta tursunneita vanuja. Kävin vaihtamassa uuteen, sama toistui myös peiton pesun jälkeen. Tänään kävin ostamassa eri merkkisen uuden peiton samasta jyskistä, kerroin myyjälle tämän tilanteen. Ei kommentoinut mitenkään saisiko peiton edelleen palauttaa? Aiempien kommenttien perusteella kun näyttäisi olevan valmistusvika.
Name: Laura Rissanen
With KRONBORG® you can upgrade your home with superior quality textiles at an affordable price.
Since the establishment in Denmark in the 1940's, KRONBORG has built on expertise and quality craftsmanship. The Scandinavian brand represents the highest quality within bathroom textiles, bed linen, duvets and pillows.
The name KRONBORG dates even further back than the 1940's as it is also the name of the world-famous castle in Elsinore where the scene was set for Shakespeare's 'Hamlet' from 1603. The castle was built in the 1420's and later named by the Danish King Frederick II.
It also plays a role in H.C. Andersen's fairy tale 'Holger the Dane' from 1845, which is inspired by the European mythical character of the same name. In the fairy tale, Holger the Dane rests in the casemates of Kronborg castle with his beard grown into a marble table. Should the Danish realm be threatened, he will come to life and defend the fatherland.
The vast majority of KRONBORG products are certified according to OEKO-TEX® Standard 100, which is the world’s leading health label for textiles.
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