how to prevent and get rid of bedbugs

How to get rid of bedbugs

Encounters with bedbugs can be very painful, as the bugs' leave behind small red bites that can swell up and itch badly. It doesn't take long to realise how serious the situation is for those who have been bitten by the blood-thirsty insects. They are a pest and can rapidly multiply into an entire colony.

The bedbug is a flat insect without wings and resembles a beetle. It is reddish brown and the more blood it sucks, the fatter it becomes. It measures from 1 mm to 1 cm in length. The bedbug is a shadow-loving nocturnal and generally on the loose whilst we sleep. They are attracted to our body heat and breathing and they attack any body parts that are exposed.

How to avoid bedbugs

You may be unfortunate enough to get bedbugs after trying on clothes in a store or even after being on public transport. But you are most likely to get bedbugs after a hotel stay. Bedbugs do not distinguish between expensive and cheap hotels, and you can therefore never fully protect yourself from them. That being said, having a bit of knowledge about the vermin will guarantee you a better chance of avoiding them.

How to avoid bedbugs in hotels

Do not unpack until you have checked the bed area for signs of bedbugs. These might be difficult to spot as they hide away from the light, but they leave behind tracks that should alert you to change your room or hotel altogether.

Look for small bloodstains on the mattress and along the headboard. Check the mattress seam for small white eggs and small black spots of faeces that are also a sign of bedbugs. It may also be worth checking any armchairs and curtains for tracks.

Place your suitcase away from the bed and do not set your belongings directly on the carpeting. This minimises the risk of any bedbugs finding their way to your belongings. This short video shows how you can inspect your hotel room.

Suitcases can carry bedbugs right into your home

Many people find that bedbugs sneak into their homes via their suitcases, clothes or used furniture. It is easier to get rid of bedbugs on holiday than it is if they follow you home and invade your bed. Therefore, it is important that you are sure to rid yourself of them before stepping into your house.

Our advice is to unpack outside and vacuum your suitcase before putting it away. Wash everything that can be washed and freeze the rest for at least two days. Bedbugs cannot withstand temperatures above 50 degrees Celsius or below -18 degrees Celsius.

How to get rid of bedbugs at home

It is very difficult to get rid of bedbugs, but it can be done. Bedbugs can survive most poisons and can live a whole year without blood when living at room temperature. It can therefore be difficult to know whether you have gotten rid of the tiny vermin or if they are just taking a lunch break. Bedbugs also leave behind an odor that leads their friends right to the bedroom. Therefore, you should always seek out professional help for exterminating the blood-thirsty insects.

Identify the problem yourself

Bedbugs are not caused by bad hygiene, but it does help to thoroughly clean and tidy up so that they have fewer hiding places. It may be necessary to throw away or take apart furniture, as the tiny bedbugs hide in dark nooks and crannies—and even behind wallpaper and power outlets. Wash or freeze all textiles: bedding, blankets, rugs, curtains, clothes, etc.

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